I would like to share my surfing life to the people who like srufing!
it's not about commercial, not about race, not about nationality, it's about life style!
no matter where you are, who you are, what you do, as long as you like surfing,
I would like to share my surfing life to the people who like srufing!
it's not about commercial, not about race, not about nationality, it's about life style!
no matter where you are, who you are, what you do, as long as you like surfing,
how can life be much easier, like the old times, just enjoy and having fun with friends?
the pure heart!
屈原投江自盡, 領北的像機也在紀念他跳河的日子投海自盡~!幹,最帥氣,最開心就是拉~!